Feeling good
Last Friday (27/4) we finished a show which was organized by Shue Yan University, the last show we played was in Feb, two months from now. The scale was not big but i enjoyed the amtosphere, some audiences screamed (may be Eric is a staff of SYU, they screamed for him. haha..). Anyway, we played pretty well compared with the last few times, this time was smooth and tight. I felt satisfied the quality of our performance. I haven't had this feeling for a long time, in previous shows. Thank to the organiser especially Toki.
Recently, I have finished all the tests in University. So I can concentrate in my graduation project. I am looking forward to present my work. That's mean i can finish my study and gonna have a break!
There are some albums i play in iTune or iPod so often. They are Mew(although i have listened a lot of times, i am still loving it), !!!, Mika, Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid (a guy plays electronic and the other plays drum), Explosions in the sky, B-funk family(Austria) , Hard Candy (HK), TheLoveSong(HK), and Buddhistson (Japan), Vincent Delerm (Il est chanteur francais et je lui aime beaucoup, il chant bien!), Carla Bruni (also French singer).