Sunday, April 29, 2007

Feeling good

Last Friday (27/4) we finished a show which was organized by Shue Yan University, the last show we played was in Feb, two months from now. The scale was not big but i enjoyed the amtosphere, some audiences screamed (may be Eric is a staff of SYU, they screamed for him. haha..). Anyway, we played pretty well compared with the last few times, this time was smooth and tight. I felt satisfied the quality of our performance. I haven't had this feeling for a long time, in previous shows. Thank to the organiser especially Toki.

Recently, I have finished all the tests in University. So I can concentrate in my graduation project. I am looking forward to present my work. That's mean i can finish my study and gonna have a break!

There are some albums i play in iTune or iPod so often. They are Mew(although i have listened a lot of times, i am still loving it), !!!, Mika, Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid (a guy plays electronic and the other plays drum), Explosions in the sky, B-funk family(Austria) , Hard Candy (HK), TheLoveSong(HK), and Buddhistson (Japan), Vincent Delerm (Il est chanteur francais et je lui aime beaucoup, il chant bien!), Carla Bruni (also French singer).


We in studio

My photo
Reality breaks, infiltrating the realm of illusion
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