The Band With No Name
im sorry. we dont do cover songs.
absolutely shitting it when a certain tv show asked us to play 1 of the 10 canto-pop covers, some of which can be very tacky. no one would even sing them in karaoke lounges. and two i cant imagine what an english pop band will be like singing canto-pop numbers. if they happened to respect our originality they would have let bands writing bits to celebrate the 10th anniversary of sovereignty handover.
the media aiming at “culture” dont actually fucking care. intending to. but never have given a thought about it. if they wanna arouse peoples interest in indie, they should do a wee research. e.g. they shouldnt assume all bands do covers. even if we do, pay attention to anglophillic bands. think audio traffic doing joey yung covers, please give them warm applause and cheering.
weve been despising tv channels. but playing a gig is good fun though. a record for our daughters/sons and theirs.
tv… your stupidity pisses me off. thats why were never famous. we never subdue to stupidity (though smart not we are).
also, see this, cool art blog by yuka yamaguchi:
:O eric xx